Certified Addiction Awareness Facilitator
Are you interested in becoming trained to deliver content, connection, and community to businesses, groups, or teams? Are you interested in creating a recovery friendly workplace?
Substance misuse costs the US Economy $740 billion annually. Businesses and communities bear this cost in lost productivity, absenteeism, turnover, accidents, theft, healthcare, insurance, and compliance costs.
Over 70% of people who struggle with substance use addiction are in full or part-time employment, and most users don’t seek help for their problems leading to suffering in families and communities – the main reason for this silence is STIGMA.
Yet, addiction is preventable and treatable.
Learn how you can become a Certified Addiction Awareness Facilitator and have IMMEDIATE and POSITIVE IMPACT in your workplace, organization, business, or community.
Next Certified Addiction Awareness Facilitator Training:

Client Testimonial:
As a treatment court, we had transitioned to a mostly virtual programming schedule during the pandemic, and were aware that the lack of in-person connection had impacted our team members and our participants. We were also working with peer mentors for the first time and eager to maximize their impact
Since working with Jesse, we have been able not only to understand but also embrace Appreciative Inquiry. I believe we are well on the way to a recovery-supportive workplace and program. The cohesiveness and comradery of the team members have increased immensely. We are already seeing the impact of the psychological safety and resilience we have been able to build.
We were surprised at how easily and quickly Jesse was able to engage the team as a whole and bring us together to work on solutions as a team. Jesse has a unique style and approach that is like no other training or workshop you have experienced. Jesse tailored the training to our needs and ambitions. There was nothing cookie-cutter about his approach.
John Collins - Director of the Fulton County Drug Court
Activating the Heart of Teams™
I provide training and events to help deepen vulnerability, wholeness, and connection, create safety, and increase team coherence online and in person.
The Activating the Heart of Teams experience:
Increased team harmony
Fewer mistakes and errors
Faster, more accurate and creative decision-making
Shorter meeting times
Increased positive energy and sense of well-being
Enhanced collective intuition for increasing creativity and finding solutions to problems
Increased sense of well-being and appreciation of collective action
Collaborating from a more inclusive perspective
Establishing new baselines for sustained change
​​Today I train some of the top leaders in the world. I also facilitate group ceremonies, HeartMath® techniques, and experiences that stretch people's comfort zones and activate the heart.
I Help Individuals and Companies:
Honor The Diversity of All Voices Being Heard
Build Connection, Bonding, and a Sense of Community
Immediately Implement The Activities and Learnings
Unlock The Collective Wisdom of The Group
Transform Their In-Person and Online Events, Meetings, and Workshops
“Jesse, thanks for your presence and all you do to add heart and light to our world.”
-Dr. Rollin McCraty, director of research at the HeartMath Institute
Trauma-Informed Facilitation

Resilience Training
This event focuses on the power of resilience. We start with a story of overcoming adversity. Participants use their stories to uncover the individual and collective strengths of the group. Next, groups work together to co-create an empowering statement of resilience. The group is led into a self-regulation technique before creating an action plan incorporating their resilience and strengths.
Elevate Your Life Experience
This event focuses on co-creating a success toolkit. We study moments of achievement and crowdsource the collective resources of the group. Next is a guided future vision activity to uncover new possibilities for a greater future. This event concludes with the participants creating an action plan to implement their vision.
Focus On Your Purpose Experience
This event focuses on building a support team. High point stories are shared of when the participant was a positive influence in another person’s life. Next, we uncover the success factors that enabled this story to happen. This is followed by a group activity to co-shape and design their ideal support team. Each participant creates a plan of action at the end.
Appreciate Your Life Experience
This event focuses on care and appreciation. Participants uncover moments of care and appreciation they've experienced or witnessed. The group works together to crowdsource moments of appreciation and share their top 2-3 findings. Participants are invited to create an action plan to commit to doing more of the things they love and appreciate.
Self-Care Experience
This event focuses on building an ideal self-care routine. The group works together to uncover moments of health and wellness. This is followed by writing down self-care actions relating to the mind, body, and spirit. Next, groups are assigned to crowdsource what an ideal self-care routine would look like. The participants then create their own self-care routine.
“The exercises were excellent and engaging! The resilience mantras developed by all were awesome! Connecting with others was excellent! The energy was quite positive. Thank you, Jesse!”
-Dr. Monica McCall, President & CEO of Creative Options
“Recently, I was fortunate to be able to participate in a virtual session delivered to our Direct Support Professionals by Jesse Harless on Practicing Self-Care. Jesse was so very effective at teaching and providing us simple ways to take care of ourselves and create positive energy during the day, something so vital for people who spend their lives taking care of others. Thank you Jesse, you were incredible.”
- Paul Schiavone, CHRO Penn-Mar Human Services.
Training and Workshop participants
“I had not even realized how disconnected I had been feeling from other people. I have had super low energy, but this sparked energy in my mind and body. It felt so supportive, and I cannot believe I got the sense of connection that I did from a virtual meeting.”
“Connecting in breakout rooms – hearing other's stories and seeing the strengths in each of us and tapping into those within myself. Thank you so much for reminding and connecting us!”
“Today’s training was by far the best virtual session I have ever experienced. I appreciate the learning, connecting, and breathing.”
“It’s encouraging and hopeful looking back to a point in our lives that was good. It helps me realize some of the positive qualities we have that we might have forgotten through our use. This experience also helps us build goals to create the future we want.”